Screaming Into The Abyss

Did the Obama Ticket Just Get Worse?
By Ben Zvan
On August 27, 2008 at 16:14

Joe Biden Anti-internet?Gizmodo has a good run-down of some possible issues the Obama campaign may have now that he's announced Biden as his running-mate. Since Gizmodo is chiefly interested in the technological impact of the next presidency, their concentration of coverage was obvious.

While Obama has looked like a very good candidate from a technology point-of-view, Biden is a Luddite. He's on-record as against BitTorrent, encryption, and net-neutrality and he's a good friend of the RIAA. Since the RIAA wants to make platform-shifting illegal under the DMCA, that raises some issues in the community.

While this isn't enough to turn my support against Obama, it definitely brings in a feeling of the lesser evil to the ticket. On the other hand, Obama has said that he wants to have multiple points-of-view in his oval office and cabinet. This could be a good way to temper any automatic pro-internet knee-jerks Obama might have. If it works, then good for him. I'd have a tendency to ignore his technology advice based on past experience.

I have a rant about net-neutrality, but that's another post.

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