Screaming Into The Abyss

Stupid Manual Tricks
By Ben Zvan
On October 09, 2006 at 16:17
General News

I found this in a manual for one of the applications I support. I guess they don't really give us a lot of credit.

Click: This involves placing the cursor with the use of your mouse, over a clickable object and left-clicking. Clickable objects can include a button, a word, groups of words or an icon.
Field: This is an area found in a window for text or numeric data entry.
Radio Button: This is a small, round open selection button that is filled in when selected.
Checkbox: This is a small, square selection button that contains a checkmark when selected.

And, just in case that wasn't enough:
Shift: The key, when held down simultaneously while typing, allows for the selection of uppercase letters and the selection of the characters shown above the numeric (non-alpha) or top row of keys.
Caps Lock: When you select the key (by pressing it once), locks the keyboard in "Capitals" mode (only applies to Alpha keys). This does not shift-select numeric (non-alpha) characters however. You must still use the key.

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