Screaming Into The Abyss

Espresso Makers
By Ben Zvan
On April 13, 2007 at 09:16
General News

I was reading on about the AEM646 espresso maker that they have for $59 and I saw this review

"I bought this for my wife and received it a few days ago. It had a bit of a learning curve to it, but my wife got the hang of it after two attempts. Now her creations really do taste like something from Starbucks."

I guess, if it makes coffee like from Starbucks, I should keep looking for a better model.

...Which I did. The next most expensive one that Target had was the DeLonghi EC140B. Amazon had this "helpful" suggestion at the bottom of their page:

I added up the regular, Amazon-discounted price for both units and it, unsurprisingly, added up to that exact dollar amount. Great Savings!

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