Screaming Into The Abyss

Drambuie To Go
By Ben Zvan
On December 27, 2007 at 08:35
Stupid People Tricks

Stupid Gift TricksI was out doing some shopping the other day in a liquor store and found one of the stupidest gift packs ever. I've seen the gin with two martini glasses and the tequila with two margarita glasses and even the whiskey with two rocks glasses. While I have no problem putting Drambuie in my coffee and would, in fact, encourage the behavior, I think that putting it in a travel mug is just a bad idea. Even if the travel mug never sees Drambuie, I can just imaging the conversation with the nice police officer after getting pulled over with an open container of coffee in the car.

Pardon the crappy cellphone camera image, please.

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Minneapolis Institue of Arts
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