Screaming Into The Abyss

Blogs to Live By
By Ben Zvan
On April 11, 2008 at 15:42
General News

I've run across a couple good ones I had to share:

Photoshop Disasters: Pointing out how things can go horribly wrong if you don't pay your graphic designers enough. My guess is that these designers were hired because the responsible parties weren't willing to pay enough to get good ones.

Indexed: A web comic about life and the comedy inherent in graphs and venn diagrams. Her political views are pretty clear, but the comedy is still rich.

Ben Zvan Photography: There's some really good stuff here. I'm hoping to get some pointers this weekend.

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New Pictures 8: Sarah Jones
Minneapolis Institue of Arts
04/18/2013—02/02/2014 - Free

31 Years: Gifts from Martin Weinstein
Minneapolis Institue of Arts
11/02/2013—08/31/2014 - Free

New Pictures 9: Rinko Kawauchi
Minneapolis Institue of Arts
02/20/2014—08/10/2014 - Free

Finland: Designed Environments
Minneapolis Institue of Arts
05/10/2014—08/17/2014 - Free


Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
at State Theatre
06/21/2014 \ Doors 8:00pm


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