Screaming Into The Abyss

Whitehouse Transcripts Are Not Edited (usually)
By Ben Zvan
On August 04, 2008 at 09:12

Despite your opinion about whether George W. Bush is a good president or not, you have to admit that he's not a very good speaker. I admire the fact that he improvises a little with his speeches rather than reading everything off cards like we did in High School or like most people do with their PowerPoint presentations, but I think he should spend a little time practicing.

Despite your opinion about whether Steve Jobs is a good manager or not, you have to admit that he's a great speaker. He spends hours during the weeks before an event working on his talk. His keynotes always come across as natural, not forced, and he always gets exactly the reactions he's looking for.

I heard a quote from President Bush this morning on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me that I decided had to be my whiteboard quote of the day:

You're making the choices about whether you want to drive a little extra more or not drive extra more.

This is exactly an example of the little things that make the Liberal Elite feel that they deserve a president that is smarter than they are and that they don't have one. When I went searching on Google to find the quote, I ended up at the press release site where, among other things, they have transcripts of speeches. I know there would be issues with revisionism if these speeches were edited, but there was the statement right in plain text. The other quote I heard was in there too. It's not as much a miss-statement as it is a duh-statement:

The feed stock for gasoline is oil. So when you hear "my gasoline prices are going up," you got to understand the main reason why is because oil prices are going up
I don't know if it makes me an elitist, but I think I deserve better.


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