Screaming Into The Abyss

Customer Service Tips
By Ben Zvan
On August 12, 2009 at 22:00
Stupid People Tricks

So... I'm a fanatic do-it-yourself-er in some areas. Food is one of the areas. I brew beer, I grow herbs in the kitchen window, I kill large animals and butcher them...

I've been thinking a lot about adding carbonated water and soda to the list. I love a good gin and tonic but modern/American tonic water is sweetened, which isn't exactly traditional, and I've heard that homemade is far better, if a little time consuming. There's also a whole world of root beers and ginger ales out there that would be possible with a little carbonated water. I really don't want to buy carbonated water though. Tonic water and soda are bad enough, but just water with bubbles? Nah. A rechargeable seltzer bottle would also give me a second reason to buy a CO2 system.

There are several sources of selzer bottles online, but finding one with a shrader valve is another story. There are bunches of poorly described bottles on Ebay, but I wanted to know what I was getting. So I contacted one popular manufacturer of seltzer bottles to see if they made or were aware of such a thing.

Hi, I'm looking for a seltzer bottle that I can recharge from the CO2 rig I use for kegging beer. Do you have or know of such a product?

I was quite happy when I got a response back from the owner of the company. But I didn't stay happy for long.

You need to support the economy and buy our 8g CO2 cartridges, do cheap out on us.

With grammar and customer service like that, they're going to go a long way.


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